How Can I Help?

Donate or gift funds!  Anything helps.

What are my donations and gifts used for?

Medical expenses not covered by Alina's insurance, medical equipment, medications, additional child care for Alina and her siblings, travel expenses associated with long distance hospitals, and bona-fide mortgage & utility bill shortfalls caused by excessive absences from work.

What happens if you receive more than you need?

Excess funds will be donated to the Cancer Research Institute (who has one of the highest non-profit ratings on GuideStar), or Kids Courage (a small but powerful non-profit foundation devoted to helping families caring for children with illness).

What's the best way to give?

(Offline for now, thank you!)

Are online credit card donations still encouraged?

(Offline for now, thank you)

Yes, they are quick and easy.  Click away!

Are my donations and gifted funds tax deductible?

No it is not deductible.

These donations are considered gifted funds to Alina's family.  While directly gifted funds are not a deduction, you can gift up to $14,000 if you are single ($28,000 if you are married) without creating a tax liability for Alina's family or your own.*  In a nutshell it's a tax free gift, but not a write off.  The family has pledged to only use funds for items as described above (What are my donations and gifts used for?).  Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be a related family member to gift funds to Alina Rae, anyone can gift funds.

For more details, consult with your tax accountant.

I would like to help, but donating is difficult at this time, what can I do?

Raise awareness by sharing or Alina's FaceBook page with others: 

Offering your skills, services, and time (i.e. medical advice and contacts, tax advice and contacts, legal advice and contacts, mechanical services and repair contacts, or anything else you think might be helpful).

Keep Alina in your thoughts, well wishes, and prayers.

I have a question not answered here, who can I talk to?

Call Eric at (805) 453-2361.  Yes, it's a real cell phone ;-)

Or, email your questions: