Well I can't believe that it has been a year already since Alina was diagnosed. We have been very blessed by all of your prayers, love, and support for which we are truly grateful! Alina had her twelve week treatment on Monday October 12 and everything went very well. We were greatly SURPRISED to see that her ANC counts were at 3100 which is the highest yet. The treatment protocol has the ANC counts at between 750 and 1500 so we are curious to see if they adjust the dosages of her daily or weekly chemo treatments. With Alina doing well she has been released to start school on November 2. She is very excited to begin and to meet her classmates! Mom and Dad are nervous as we will not be right there if something were to happen, but it is a good step in a positive direction. Aubrey and Bryce will be enrolled in pre-school starting the same week so we have a lot starting in November. We pray that these transitions go well for all of us. The kids are very excited to go out on Halloween this year and costume pictures will be posted soon. They all look very cute! We want to THANK YOU ALL for your strength, prayers and support over the last year! We are VERY BLESSED to have the Family and Friends and caring people who have given of themselves in so many different ways to assist during this time of need.

The King Family - Alina, Scot, Roxanne, Aubrey, and Bryce

