Well it has been nothing short of busy and hectic for this holiday season. Alina has been dealing with an ear infection since the last update which put her in the hospital again for three days the week of December 11th. After she was sent home she continued with the ear pain and slight fever and the Doctors decided that she would have tubes put in her ears to help drain the fluid. So after a check up and consultation Alina had her tubes put in on New Years Eve morning at 5:45 a. m. A long day to say the least but we are praying that this will allow her to not get a fever with any future cold she may get. So as for Christmas we had a GREAT day! My dad and Carol were able to come down Christmas Eve night and were here for the morning opening of gifts. The rest of our family joined in the celebration around 1:00 in the afternoon and it was a present opening marathon as it seemed that when anyone arrived Santa had come to there house and left more gifts. Dinner was good but the family time and memories created are the true blessing. Jesus is the reason we all are here to celebrate and his birth is the blessing of the day. As for New Years we stayed home as we were all exhausted from leaving the house at 3:45 a m to get to the O C by 5:00 for Alina's ear tube procedure. The surgery went well and the only thing now is we need to protect her ears forming getting wet during bath time. Nothing ear plugs can't fix!
We are praying that this year brings good health to us all, more family time with all of you, and that Alina continues to progress through her treatment and will near completion by the end of 2016 with no further complications.
We wish each and every one of you all the blessings of a great New Year and know that we love all of you very much! Love, The King Family, Scot, Roxanne, Alina, Aubrey and Bryce
